Empower yourself and your Political Neighborhood by becoming a
Precinct Committee Officer - PCO
Welcome to Awoken Patriots CC PCO Training where we provide you with the tools and knowledge to Restore America
Our Quest

Awaking and Empowering the Politically Curious
Educating our Political Community
Mobilizing Constitutional Conservative change in our Community and local Government
Did you know our four Fathers empowered us “We the People” in the Constitution to change our government if it failed to serve our needs? The Constitution makes it “our” responsibility to Change our government. Are you Curious about what you can do to be a part of this change? At first, it may seem overwhelming, but with the right tools, you will be able to find the best fit in order to become an active participant “Patriot” in your own neighborhood

In the current political climate, and the bias that is fed to the public via main stream social media, news media etc., it is important to have avenues in which conservative-minded citizens have access to current truthful, informative information. Local politics is just as important as what is happening in D.C., hence, the term grassroots. This website is just one tool in educating your political community. Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) training is another valuable tool that is being offered in your area for free.

We synergize the politically curious and empower them to become informed voters. To connect them with their politically like-minded colleagues who also advocate low taxes, free markets, deregulation, privatization, reduced government size/spending, voter integrity, and reduce government debt to name a few. While keeping our traditional Constitutional Conservative laws and social values, often rooted in family and religious beliefs. Mobilizing change through the power of the vote.

Begin the Journey
Watch the 3 videos below to learn what is and how to become a PCO
Are you getting Frustrated with what's going on around your Community, State and Country? Do you wish you could do something but do not know what to do? Have you ever wanted to get involved in politics, but didn't know how to go about it or where to start? Join me in my journey in becoming a PCO. Watch this first of this 3-part series on what is and how to becomes a PCO "Precinct Committee Officer" Copyrighted 2020
Welcome, This is the 2nd part of a 3 part series on the Journey in becoming a PCO. You will discover how to become politically active in your local community as a PCO. Copyrighted 2020
Welcome, This is the 3rd part of a 3 part series on the Journey to becoming a PCO. You will discover how to become politically active in your local community as a PCO. in this video you will learn everything that it takes to file to become a PCO. If you would like to talk to someone in becoming a PCO, Call the number below, where you can get your questions answered by a real person. Copyrighted 2020
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For any questions please email at
or Call
Join us at our next PCO Training - It's Free
Now in 2 Locations !

Call now for PCO Training. Reserve your seat and meet Patriots like you
Please RSVP - Seats are filling fast
When - Wednesday, November 1
Time - 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Where - US Digital,
1400 NE 136th Ave,
Vancouver, WA
Roberts Rules of Order Training
Please RSVP - Seats are filling fast
When - Tuesday November 14
Time - 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where - CCRP Headquarters,
2702 NE 114th Ave,
Suite 4, Vancouver WA
Canvassing Training
We are offering Free class on How to be a Successful Canvasser

Who? Presented by: Victoria Ferrer, PCO 583
When? Date: Tuesday Sept. 19th
Where? Republican Headquarters
2702 NE 114th Ave, Suite 4
Vancouver, WA 98684
This two-hour course will cover Essential Canvassing Tips.
Offer a full understanding of the role of a Canvasser
Provide you with the tools that will better prepare you for a successful canvassing experience.
Fundamental tools that may be tailored to fit each personality
How & Where to get your Walking List and Map
You’re not going to want to miss out on this!
This course is geared for:
New PCO’s/Canvassers
As well as the more experienced Canvassers
And anyone who wants to participate in a fun successful canvassing team!
This course is free, but please RSVP.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Victoria Ferrer
PCO 583-Battle Ground
Email victorialeeferrer@gmail.com
Please Call to Reserve your seat
(503) 781-2398

You never now who will stop by and say hi ..
Join Us for Breakfast or Dinner and Meet the Team

Every Third Wednesday Morning
of the Month

Julio's coffee & Breakfast
Time - 8:30 AM to 11 AM
705 SE 1st St
Battle Ground, WA 98604