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My name is Anne O’Neill and I would like to be your State Committeewoman. The next two years are very important for our party. We just experienced what an ineffectual board can do to our county. How many more races could have been won if the board truly supported the candidates you endorsed? 

The job of State Committeewoman is to represent Clark County at the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP); to attend WSRP Executive Committee meetings and to participate in decisions about the direction of the party. I will also vote for the WSRP board members. As state committeewoman, I will help find and recruit Republicans for our local elections. I will report on any of our elected representatives that are not working in our best interests. I will attend all Central Committee and Executive Board meetings, in person. I will attend your LD meetings. I believe to be an effective Committee member I must be accessible to you, whom I serve. 

Why should you consider me? I have lived in the Yacolt area for 25 years. I have been a lifelong Republican. My activity in the Clark County party is fairly recent. You may have seen me at the Central Committee meetings credentialing and checking in the PCOs; at most Tuesday and Saturday breakfasts; doing check-ins at the Republican women events; or in the gallery at executive board meetings and at many campaign events. My husband, Tom Schenk, is the 538 PCO. 

My career history includes being a major subcontract administrator for Hughes Helicopters. I negotiated the multi-million-dollar, multi-year contract for the landing gear for the AH 64 Apache helicopter. These were sole source contracts which means the vendor knew they were getting the contract. The negotiations were long and slow, as you can imagine. 

I worked 10 years in supervisory positions in cashiering and as the Lead in tool/lawn and garden departments at Sears in Vancouver Mall. My last position was at WSUV for 12 years as the parking supervisor. This position allowed me to coordinate two community events on earthquake preparedness. These events were, and still are, the best attended community outreach program at the campus. The Parking Office is part of the campus Police Department. I have been fingerprinted and my background was investigated for my employment on campus. I am a concealed carry permit holder for WA, OR and AZ. I retired in June of 2021. I still teach First Aid and AED/CPR classes for staff, faculty and students at the campus. Tom and I have four grown children. I enjoy quilting and this year I taught myself how to process and can food. 

We have a lot of work to do in Clark County. Joe Kent should not have been scrambling for votes. Don Benton loses in the reddest section of the county! How does this happen? Why weren’t there more fundraisers? Cowlitz County had Dinesh D’Souza speak at their Lincoln Day dinner. We are the fifth largest county in Washington and we are broke. Why was money spent for “re-branding” instead of supporting our candidates; doing opposition research; fighting the charter amendments; getting out the vote? How could no one know the vice-chair was working for a democrat? Why was the current State Committeewoman allowed to keep her position while only attending two of the eight state meetings?  

Allow me to use my conservative values, negotiation and customer service skills to represent you on the Clark County executive board and at the state level. I respectfully ask for your vote and support.  Please contact me with any questions. 

Anne O'Neill
for State Committeewoman

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