Clark County Republican Party Chairman
Joel Mattila

Clark County Republican Party Chairman
Vancouver resident Moore accepts Clark County Republican Party Chairman Joel Mattila’s invitation to cite examples of how he has ignored the will of the body
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of

Mark Moore
In my recent letter to the editor I encouraged the Republican voters and Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) of Clark County to express their displeasure with Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) Chairman Joel Mattila over the mess he has allowed the 3rd Congressional District race to become through his inaction. The question Chair Mattila asked of the candidates regarding President Trump’s endorsement was indeed discussed in advance with all three candidates then in the race. While the chairman feigns impotence to deal with this situation he has created, he indeed has the political influence to have effected a resolution, beginning with simply, privately reminding the candidates of the public commitment they made to coalesce around a single candidate thereby increasing the probability of defeating Jaime Herrera Beutler in the primary. Absent the private consent of the other candidates to honor their pledge, Chairman Mattila could have then publicly reminded the candidates of their agreement, perhaps even here in the pages of Clark County Today since he is so proud of your efforts. If that were unsuccessful he could have asked a friendly PCO to introduce a resolution before the Clark County Republican Central Committee which strongly encouraged the other candidates to honor their earlier, public, commitment. In a most extreme case, the chairman could have asked the body to suspend its by-laws and offer an early endorsement of the Trump endorsed candidate.
All of these options have been, and presently are, available to Chair Mattila if he were indeed committed to denying Herrera Beutler another term in the US Congress. Instead, when he realized the Trump endorsement may not go the way he expected, he desperately sent a letter to President Trump, which he represented as having been signed by each Republican chairman in the 3rd Congressional District, demanding Trump NOT endorse until after the primary. This was seen by many as a very curious move by many given his recent enthusiasm about that very endorsement.
The chairman goes on to state, “The days of the party boss are long over and we are all better off for it. The grassroots voters are the ones who should decide elections,” and “Mr. Moore states, ‘There have been several occasions during his administration where the chairman has ignored the express will of the body…” I would like to know exactly on what occasions I have ignored the will of the body. You allowed him to make that assertion without any examples.”
I agree, grassroots voters should decide elections, and Chair Mattila’s demand for examples seems reasonable, so…
At the January 2021 CCRP executive board meeting, likely signaling his lack of respect for the body that had just elected him chairman, he appointed the highly controversial former chair of the CCRP, David R. Gellatly, as parliamentarian. Mr. Gellatly had been rejected by the CCRCC in his bid to become state committeeman at the recent reorganization meeting, the only member of Chairman Mattila’s slate to not win, reflecting the body’s express will that Mr. Gellatly NOT have a position on the executive board.
Throughout the Spring/Summer of 2021, Chairman Mattila attempted three separate times to appoint himself to the Clark County Redistricting Commission over the strenuous objections of many PCOs. While this might technically be allowed within the confines of the county charter, every other Washington county governed by home rule charter expressly forbids a political party official from serving on a redistricting commission because it represents such a significant conflict of interest. Ultimately, the CCRCC was forced to call a special meeting in August of 2021 to appoint members to this critical commission or face having no representation in the redistricting process. Cemal Richards and Juan Gamboa were chosen by the body for this duty and served with honor. Chair Mattila continues to refuse to recognize this as a legitimate act of the body.
In the fall of 2021, in spite of the express concerns of various precinct committee officers, the chairman neglected to provide leadership regarding the proposed amendments to the Clark County Home Rule Charter. As a consequence there were no opposition statements in the voters guide. This was a monumental failure of leadership on his part given the long-term negative consequences of how the county charter was amended.
In November 2021, Chairman Mattila presided over the CCRP quarterly meeting. During this meeting, a motion from the floor was advanced by a PCO demanding the chair include a particular bit of old business to the agenda regarding the express will of the body relating to the appointment of precinct committee officers. During the discussion from the floor, parliamentarian Gellatly left the stage and became engaged in a physical confrontation with the female PCO advancing the motion, for the record there is video of this confrontation. Chairman Mattila also hired two sergeants at arms unknown to the body, men who clearly by their appearance were intended to intimidate members of the body. These events proved to be of such concern, the 18th Legislative District drafted, and passed by significant margin, a resolution of no-confidence against Chairman Mattila demanding he resign. He is clearly still in his office, ignoring the expressed will of that body.
Throughout the Winter and Spring of 2022, the body of the CCRCC has voted upon resolutions directing the chairman with respect to the appointment process for precinct committee officers. He has refused thus far to honor their express will. He would, I’m sure, protest that he has addressed this issue sufficiently, however in truth he has manipulated the situation to avoid the actual accountability and transparency the body is demanding of him. The office of precinct committee officer is critical to the function of the party, they represent constituents to the party and with numerous vacant precincts, the chairman seems interested in appointing only PCO’s who pledge loyalty to his chairmanship.
At the May 2022 CCRCC quarterly meeting, the body passed by a virtually unanimous vote (a single nay), a resolution directing the chairman to immediately appoint the 31 PCO candidates who running unopposed, in vacant precincts, are “deemed elected.” These are activated, motivated Republicans, eager to do the work of helping Republican candidates get elected. The chairman refused to honor this near unanimous vote, publicly, from the stage, to the utter astonishment of those present.
Throughout his term the chairman has refused to provide a transparent, accessible means for PCO’s to communicate amongst themselves.
These are just the highlights, sadly there are other examples. What these examples point to is Chairman Mattila’s disregard for the authority of the CCRCC, and his role as servant to the body.
Chairman Mattila seems proud of the recent CCRP Lincoln Day Dinner, going so far as calling it “record setting.” This statement proves curious as the party raised under $50,000. During the chairmanship of Earl Bowerman the 2019 Lincoln Day Dinner netted $75,409.15. In all fairness it is difficult to do an accurate comparison given the current CCRP treasurer appears incapable of providing the body with an appropriate reconciliation. Nonetheless, “record setting” appears to be a considerable embellishment. In what is likely the most favorable environment for Republican fundraising in decades, Chair Mattila has failed to position the party to maximize the opportunity. This is one of his core responsibilities as chairman. There continue to be serious concerns as to how the money raised will be spent.
Fair-minded people might ask how it is that I have an understanding of these issues. As a Republican voter and volunteer, I have attended every CCRP quarterly, and executive board meeting since May of 2021, which is something Chairman Mattila can not say for himself, having been absent on more than one occasion.
As for Chairman Mattila’s statement, “Mr. Moore, ….seems to like to sit on the sidelines and criticize.” I would humbly remind the chairman of my personal effort last November to initiate and advance negotiations to suspend the petition being circulated calling for his removal as chairman. As part of that effort, I secured commitments to help make his chairmanship successful. His counter offer was to demand the resignation of 25 conservative precinct committee officers, and ultimately he stormed out of the meeting like a petulant child.
Am I critical of Chairman Mattila’s failed leadership, absolutely. He seems fond of quoting Teddy Roosevelt, so too, am I….
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else.’’ – Theodore Roosevelt, May, 1918 editorial titled “Sedition, a Free Press and Personal Rule” published in “The Kansas City Star.”’
Chairman Mattila states, “Mr. Moore, who has no official role in the Clark County Republican Party…….. As someone once said, in the United States today, we have more than our share of nattering nabobs of negativism.” . While indeed, I have no “official” role in the Republican Party, I would remind the chairman I belong to that “unofficial” part of the party that has for decades given our treasure and our votes to the “Official Republican Party” only to be betrayed by establishment types as they work to manipulate the process and provide us plebes with candidates for which we must hold our collective nose to vote. I proudly belong to that “unofficial” part of the party that gets up every day and anonymously goes about our business, paying our taxes, faithfully advancing charitable causes, and raising our children to become productive members of society, not drug addicts and car thieves.
Republican voters should be outraged by the bad faith activities of the establishment “Republicans” currently controlling the CCRP Executive Board. The chairman is especially egregious in the abandonment of his sacred duty to serve the Republicans of Clark County. Unfortunately the chairman depends upon the fact that “unofficial” Republicans graciously expect party leadership to faithfully represent their interests and do not have the time, or inclination, to be present for the purpose of holding them accountable. Chairman Mattila pledged before being elected to “heal the party.” It is the conviction of many faithful Republicans that he has done the exact opposite. The party is more divided than ever and Chairman Mattila’s failed leadership is the reason.
All indications are, there will indeed be a Red Wave in the November midterm elections. This will happen in spite of the best efforts of establishment Republicans like Chairman Mattila.
My original question remains unanswered still…., “Is the Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party working to re-elect Jaimie Herrera Beutler?”
I now have a new question, will Chair Mattila resign? If he will not, it is the duty of Republicans to remove him.
Mark Moore
Clark County Republican Party Chairman Joel Mattila responds to letter to the editor
Since its inception, I have supported Clark County Today, even posting links more than once on my personal Facebook page promoting Clark County Today as a fresh alternative to the daily newspaper that dominates our community. I have watched with interest as Clark County Today has gained momentum and have pulled for it to catch on and become a force in local news. I even have a shortcut tab on the top of my web browser to get to your website quickly every morning.
Joel Mattila, Clark County Republican Party chairman
To say I was disappointed to read the letter that you published recently by Mark Moore is a massive understatement. It contains several inaccuracies and I’m discouraged that he was able to use your platform to promote false narratives. I have received several emails from people who were misled by it. I understand that this was a letter to the editor but even then it seems that there should be standards of journalistic integrity that be met.
As one of my favorite presidents, Ronald Reagan, said, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that just isn’t so.” This is indeed the case with Mr. Moore.
Mr. Moore says I “negotiated an agreement with the three candidates running at that point to challenge JHB in the primary, to support the Trump endorsed candidate”. That is blatantly false. I never negotiated “an agreement”. The truth is that I asked a question at a candidate forum (which, because I respect you, you might remember I invited you, Ken Vance, to help moderate) if they would drop out of the race should former President Donald Trump endorse one of the other candidates in the race.
He goes on to say, “To this point, the chairman has refused to enforce this agreement. He has the political power to do so, he however seems to lack the political will, his inaction in this matter has only empowered JHB.” What political power does he think I wield? Does he think I can somehow just order the other candidates to drop out? That is preposterous on its face. How does Mr. Moore expect me to “enforce” the so-called agreement? The days of the party “boss” are long over and we are all better off for it. The grassroots voters are the ones who should decide elections.
He also says, “the chairman attempted to appoint Jaimie Herrera Beutler’s mother to the voting office of Precinct Committee Officer.” That is totally false. There was no “attempt” made. If I had attempted to appoint her, I would have simply just appointed her. State law simply gives the county chairman the authority to appoint. If the chair wants to appoint, the chair appoints. The chair doesn’t “attempt” and then somehow get thwarted. Our county party bylaws do require that the chair consult or attempt to consult the respective legislative district chair before appointing precinct officers.
Furthermore, Mr. Moore states, “There have been several occasions during his administration where the chairman has ignored the express will of the body…” I would like to know exactly on what occasions I have ignored the will of the body. You allowed him to make that assertion without any examples.
Mr. Moore, who has no official role in the Clark County Republican Party, seems to like to sit on the sidelines and criticize. As someone once said, in the United States today, we have more than our share of nattering nabobs of negativism. I encourage all who read this letter to also read Theodore Roosevelt’s “The Man in the Arena.” It is easy for those on the sidelines to throw stones at those of us who are in the arena doing the good work of improving our country.
Meanwhile, as Mr. Moore peers around the log that is in his own eye to throw stones from the sidelines, the good work of bettering our county and nation goes on. We had a record setting Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser for our party, recruited an excellent crop of candidates for races this year, are developing a marketing plan to promote the Republican brand, and are poising ourselves to take full advantage of the coming Red Wave in the Fall elections. The future for the Clark County Republican Party is indeed bright.
I look forward to you correcting the record and would hope that you would issue some sort of statement, perhaps apologizing for allowing these kinds of false narratives to be printed.
Thank you,
Joel Mattila, Chair
Clark County Republican Party
Aug 20, 2018
David Gellatly and Joel Mattila, separate from their positions on the Clark County Republican Party, are the members of Clark Leadership PAC. I and several others scheduled a meeting under Washington law with them to see the financial records of their Political Action Committee (PAC), because they had never filed any of the mandatory PDC reports showing their income and expenses. Instead of following the law and showing us their financial records, they disingenuously called 911 for specious reasons and instead handed me nonsense paperwork, likely created by Greg Cheney, WSBA #44174, as an illegitimate excuse to escape the mandate of state campaign finance laws. Gellatly and his attorney Greg Cheney had attempted to quash the subpoena I issued to their bank of record for their financial history. That motion to quash was unsuccessful, and I will be getting those records from Columbia Credit Union. You can read the whole article and PDC complaint at:
This video was created by Dan Clark.